Make a movie. Change the world.

Your donation to Rising Act Films contributes directly to the creation of a high-end film for the causes and organizations you care most about. You can also spread your donation across multiple deserving projects, supporting a global array of causes. These films become the most powerful, enduring marketing and fundraising tools in the receiving organizations’ arsenal—opening up entirely new sets of audiences and giving them broader visibility and funding opportunities than ever before.

Our donors encourage thousands of others to join in their philanthropic journey—one that will generate much-needed support on an entirely new level for years to come. Your contribution to Rising Act Films is truly a gift that keeps on giving.


Rising Act Films is a Georgia-based non-profit 501-(c)(3). ALL DONATIONS TO RISING ACT FILMS ARE IMMEDIATELY TAX DEDUCTIBLE. To make a donation, click the "Donate Now" button. To donate by check, please reach out to us via our contact page or send an email to for mailing address details.