a Narrative short film

ALWAYS FORWARD: A Training Futures Story

directed by

Daniel Stine and Kaitlin Scott

In Partnership with Northern Virginia Family Services, ALWAYS FORWARD follows Ninah, a Congolese refugee and her young daughter as they navigate the difficult terrain of a new life in the United States. Filled with doubt, hope, and determination, Ninah leans into the kindness shown to her and discovers she too could be a part of the fabric of everything that makes this country beautiful. After she is introduced to the Training Futures program, she is set on an upward trajectory toward a life rooted in a new homeland - one where anything is possible.

ABOUT NVFS: Northern Virginia Family Services empowers individuals and families to improve their quality of life, promotes community cooperation and supports in responding to family needs. NVFS is the vehicle by which everyone in the community has the ability to rally around and ensure that everyone in this community thrives. They are creating a stronger and more vibrant community for everyone. Training Futures is a nationally recognized workforce development program within NVFS with proven results, providing training for living-wage professional careers.